Monday, July 28, 2014

week 67 Paralelepipedo...

July 28, 2014


Well this week was just like any other week...except...its been raining for 3 days now. But all is well :)

We had a great lesson with our 9 year old investigator Iago this week (his parents are already members). The spirit was so strong and it looks like he will be baptized this weekend! Just seeing this family smiling and so happy filled me with joy! The gospel is true and does improve our lives. 

This week we also went to a party for a missionary coming home. Let me just was weird. It was weird knowing that that will be me in 2 months. But as I keep telling everyone, I still have lots of time! I am here to work for the next 2 months, there is a lot that needs to be done in the next 2 months and absolutely no time to be trunky :)

Another short story for this week...we walked into the chapel yesterday and the RS president came up to me and said they needed me to play the piano for sacrament meeting! What?! Well I really didn't know what they hymns because the titles are in Portuguese, but I prayed and was able to figure out what the hymns were. I only played with one hand but I guess that is better than nothing. That was definitely an example to me of how Heavenly Father will always help us. 

Well have a great week everyone! Keep on smiling :)

Eu amo voces!

-Sister Kaycee Davis

P.S.-Sister Belo and I have been learning lots of new words this week, Portuguse for me and English for Sister Belo. Paralelepipedo-paving stone. Really hard work to pronouce but I can now :)

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

week 66 Pioneer children sang as they walked and walked and walked....

July 21, 2014


Happy almost Pioneer day! As the subject line of this email suggests we walked, and walked, and walked, and walked this week. Our bishop wants us to find a lot of less actives and since our area is huge we end up walking a lot. But we did find some less actives so that was great!

Yesterday we had a noite familiar (FHE) with a less active family and our bishop came with us. It went really well and the wife and husband really want to come back to church. But its a hard transition, especially since the husband suffers with depression and hasnt left their house in a long time. But I really think that they will come back, they just need some good friends to help them. The miracle was what happened after we left. It was about 8:30 and to get to our house is a 45 minute walk so we were trying to walk really fast when suddenly a car pulled up next to was the family we had just visited! The husband left the house! So amazing.

Lets see, the other thing that I will mention is I am still working on my goal to finish the Book of Mormon in Portuguese before I get home. I finished Mosiah last night so that was exciting. I am understanding a lot more and I dont have to use my english scriptures side by side with my Portuguese ones as much. So I guess my Portuguese is getting a little better. I know its only with Heavenly Father's help that I've been able to learn this much Portuguese. 

Well I hope you have a great week! Keep on smiling everyone!

Eu amo voces!

-Sister Kaycee Davis

Monday, July 14, 2014

week 65 Bem-vindo Sister Belo!

July 14, 2014
Well this week we had transfers. My new companion is Sister Belo, she is from Brazil and has been out for 7 months. President Young told me at the transfer meeting that he felt that I needed to be senior companion. I am grateful for this oportuntity.
So this was really the first official transfer meeting I've been to since last time transfers were just at the bus station. So imagine my surprise when one of the AP's stands up to conduct the meeting and announces that "Sister Davis and Elder Thomas will now bear their testimonies"...What?! It went fine but I was definietly nervous. But I guess my Portuguese is getting better because the missionaries I knew at the meeting said my testimony was perfect. Heavenly Father definitely helps me a lot. I know He will never let me fail as long as I am trying my hardest.
Also I tried something new this week...figado de boi...liver! So gross! That is not something I really want to eat again.
Well I hope you are all have a great summer! And...HAPPY BIRHTDAY to my awesome dad! I love you dad! Keep on smiling everyone :)
Eu amo voces!
 -Sister Kaycee Davis

Monday, July 7, 2014

Week 64 Fica!

July 7, 2014

Tudo bem?!

One of the best parts of the week was we got to meet our new mission president and his wife- the Young's. They are awesome and I love them already! We are actually in the mission office today because the departing missionaries had to get interviewed (my companion is headed home) so I got to talk to Sister Young for a long time. I am so excited to learn from them. I know Heavenly Father put the Young's into my life for a reason. He has a reason for everything.
Oh! By the way...did you know Brazil celebrates the 4th of July? Ha ha, actually Brazil was playing in the world cup on the 4th of July and we had to be in our house for most of the day. But there were some fireworks and lots of parties going on, so really everyone celebrated with me and they just didnt know it :)

We have transfers this week and I am staying in Cachoeiro. I am happy I'm staying (fica=stay).
Annnddd....HAPPY ANNIVERSARY MOM AND DAD! I love you so much!

I hope you all have a great week...keep on smiling :)
Eu amo voces!
-Sister Kaycee Davis

week 63 Plaqueta

June 30, 2014
Oi todos pessoas!

We had a pretty good week, slow, but good. I have been trying to focus on the small miracles I see everyday, so here are a few :)
-I lost one of my nametags when I got transferred and was a little sad. Well Heavenly Father definitely answers even the simplest of prayers because I found my my suitcase and in a pocket I had already looked in. But I found it :) That experience definitely reminded me that Heavenly Father is mindful of all of us and He loves us so much!

-I finished Jaco (Jacob) in O Livro de Mormon! 

-I made a perfect pizza for a FHE we had last night with our ward missionary- Lorenna and her family who are not members of them church. I got volunteered to make the pizza by my companion. Most of the food I've tried to cook here hasn't turned out the way it is suppose to and so finally cooking something perfectly was exciting!

Yep. Lots of small miracles. I am so grateful for our Heavenly Father and the help He gives me everyday. Being a missionary is not always easy and focusing on the small miracles helps so much.

I hope you all have a great week! Keep on smiling :) 

Eu amo voces!
 -Sister Kaycee Davis

P.S.- I like Baylee's...I mean Sister Davis' idea about everyone sending us their conversion story! Please do!

Week 62 2 meses em Brazil!

June 23, 2014


I really cant believe its already Monday, last week went really fast! I think the best thing that happened was I accomplished my goal of finishing 2 Nefi this week. I had to read a lot but I finished it! 

Last week our bishop called a few new ward missionaries. One of them, Lorena, has helped us a lot this week. She is 19 and joined the church last year and wants to serve a mission. I really have a testimony that missionary work is so much better when members are involved. Lorena introduced us to some people she knows and we were able to teach them and one of them came to church on Sunday! That was awesome.

Everyone here is watching the world cup and so usually when we go into a house the tv is on. Yesterday we visited a less active and the U.S was playing Portugal. Well right before we left I glanced at the tv right in time to see the U.S. score! Ha ha I might have yelled a little bit, it was pretty exciting :)

Today marks my 2 month mark in Brazil. I am so grateful that Heavenly Father gave me the opportunity to come here. It is definitely different then the WKM but I love it :)
's about it. I hope you have a great week! Keep on smiling :)

Eu amo voces!

-Sister Kaycee Davis

P.S.- yesterday we met another drunk man, and he kissed my hand....gross!

Week 61 Cartas!

June 16, 2014

This week was kind of different. We had zone conference and then the next day Brazil played in the World Cup. We have to stay in our apartment 2 hours before the game, during the game, and 2 hours after. So that was kind of weird, but I made the most of the time and studied a lot! I am so grateful for that extra time to study. Really though, I love studying about the gospel!
Zone Conference was in Vitoria so we had to ride a bus for 2 1/2 hours there and back, it was a long day. But it was awesome! There were 3 zones at this conference and I got to see so many people I know. I really didn't understand much of the actual meeting but that's ok. After the meeting we got our mail! Thank you mom, Baylee, and Sister Rasmussen for the letters, that definitely made me happy!
I read a talk this week by Jeffrey R. Holland and part of it really stuck out to me...`Pure Christlike love flowing from true righteousness can change the world.` I know this is true. I may not speak Portuguese but I can love people and show them love by my actions. A lot of people make fun of me because I don't understand a lot of Portuguese and I`ve really had to just keep smiling this week. I know Heavenly Father understands how difficult it is to learn a language and I am grateful for the love He shows me. These experiences also teach me that its so important to love everyone, no matter what trials or difficulties they have.
I hope you all have a  great week! Keep on smiling!
Eu amo voces!
-Sister Kaycee Davis