Monday, August 18, 2014

week 70 Ultimo transferência...

August 18, 2014

Tudo Bem?! How is everyone doing? Well...this week starts the last transfer of my misson...I'm not sure how I feel about that ha ha. We got transfer calls last night and we are both staying in Cacheiro.

Things that happened this week: 

Sister Belo's birthday was Thursday. I made a cake for district meeting and then we had cake again that night. 

It rained a lot! For almost 4 days we didnt see the sun. 

We got to help make some decorations for the ward activity next week. It was suppose to be this week but got cancelled because of the rain. We always ask after almoço if we can help and usually people say no. So it was kind of nice to get to help someone, even with something as simple as decorations for the ward activity.

Last thing. Yesterday a member of our ward found out that I basically have 2 missions. She asked- 'wouldnt it have been easier to stay in WA?' I have been thinking a lot about that question. Yes. It would have been easier to stay in WA. But there is a reason Heavenly Father sent me to Brazil. There are things I couldnt have learned in WA that I have learned here, and things that I learned in WA that I couldnt have learned here too. In the end Heavenly Father knows what is best for us, even if it doesnt make sense to us at the time. I am grateful for my mission and the things I have learned.

Well I hope you all have a great week! Keep on smiling :)

Eu amo voces!
 -Sister Kaycee Davis

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